Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I am stressed out of my mind. Every day I have such a long list of assignments and readings and things I need to do for all of my music classes, in addition to my core classes. I am managing to remain nearly caught up in all of my classes, but the trade off is my sanity. I am extremely overwhelmed. And as a result, when I am done with everything I need to do, instead of going and finding something fun to do or hanging out with people, I retreat to my dorm and go to sleep or watch depressing TV shows for hours until my brain is melting. College is soooooo fun. This is the life, right? I'm the teachers pet and I make the grades and finish the assignments and blah blah blah. Everything I should be doing, I am.

This is the typical complaint of the college student, I know this is true. Sorry to be cliche. But why does this need to be the norm? Why does the homeostasis of a college student need to be a brimming level of stress where I feel like my brain is going to explode at any second? This is unhealthy.

Perhaps I just need to adjust, things will get easier, I'll get used to studying for at least six hours every day once I'm out of class. That's normal, right? Not to mention a large portion of my assignments are online. So that's a good solid few hours every day that I'm staring blankly at a computer screen.

This is the liiiiiiife.

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