Thursday, October 24, 2013

Goodbye stress!

I've really been applying everything we talked about last class, as far as stress and how to manage it, to my life. Learning how to manage stress is very important for me because when I'm stressed, I'm EXTREMELY stressed and it shows. It takes a huge toll on my well-being as a whole so discussing ways to deal with it has been very beneficial lately. I think the main point that stuck with me most was the idea of separating things that cause stress into two categories; things I have control over, and things I do not have control over. The things I have control over are things that I can take action on, such as studying more. I realized that everything else I was stressing over before were all things that I had no control over, such as tests, my boyfriend and family, and so on. These are all things that I typically stress the most about but can cope with better now after the presentation given in class because I've learned to be more laid back when dealing with them.

I'm finally beginning to develop better eating and sleeping patterns due to the presentation as well. Before the presentation, I honestly went off of about three hours of sleep alone every night and would have hardly any motivation to do anything the next day. Lately, I'm beginning to get at least seven hours in and I feel so much better. I feel like I've been far more productive this week because of it. I also started grabbing breakfast before my first class in the morning and that gives me much more energy as well. In taking on these new habits, I feel a lot happier and less stressed than before. It makes me really appreciate the fact that I'm enrolled in this university seminar class, honestly. It's very helpful in a lot of ways that will help me survive college without going insane and I am very grateful for that.

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