Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Healthy Livin'

I really do eat healthy. For me, it doesn't take much effort; my favorite foods are mostly good for me and most of the time if I eat something that is unhealthy, like fast food, I feel physically sick. I don't really think about trying to eat healthy, my favorite snacks are fruits; I love granola, veggies, and whole wheat / brown rice. These are things that I have grown up eating, so maybe this is why it isn't so hard for me. 

So many of the friends I have made here eat SO badly! Instant ramen constantly, burgers, fries, fast food, things filled with msg, no nutrients, bleached, processed, terrible. I can't imagine how they feel. If I don't get three substantial meals in every day I feel terrible. I suppose their bodies are used to these horrible foods, but how do they manage to stay sane without the nutrients and with all of these extra terrible things, so much sodium, ect.? I can't imagine. 

It really bothers me, but am I going to be that friend? When I go out to eat with most of my friends, they get burgers, pasta, cake, multiple slices of pizza, and so on, while I have whole grain chips, fruit, and MAYBE one slice of pizza that I blot with a napkin to take off some of the grease. I would just not feel good physically, and it bothers me that my friends are doing this to themselves. However, I can't really say anything, because most people are on the defensive about what they eat, and will throw the whole "It tastes good so I don't care!" garbage at me. 

Maybe someday they will realize that if they just ate a little healthier, they would feel so much better.

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