Thursday, October 3, 2013

Only at 2 in the Morning

Alright so this past weekend I witnessed the one of the craziest things. I was leaving a Whataburger at 2am Monday morning and out of nowhere this car came speeding down the road and tried braking at a stop light but was going way too fast. His car slid from the stop light over some cement and into the grass right in front of chili’s taking both a street sign and a tall street light. When we saw he ran into the ditch we ran over to see if he was okay or needed any help, but when we approached the car he threw it in reverse and punched it to get out of the ditch and took off to the high way. Well we called the police so they could get his giant street light out from the middle of the street, but as we were doing that we notice 4 cops fly by on the highway going the same way that car had sped off to. When a police officer got to us we explained the situation and he told us that the same car was pulled off on the highway and a cop pulled over to check on him but when the cop stopped the car took off and started a highway police pursuit. It lasted so long that they had to spike his car tires. The police officer that helped us move the light was cool enough let us listen to the police pursuit. After everything was all said it done and I was on my way home I had a deep thought on how if I would have left any earlier that car might have hit me in some way .

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