Wednesday, October 23, 2013


So this past week I have realized that I move a little too fast through out my day. I'm all about being productive and getting things done in a reasonable amount of time, but I think sometimes I take it to the extreme. For example, on Tuesdays I only have one class which starts at 12:30. I wake around 10:00 catch up on some news, call moms, and do some sort of meditation. (usually staring at the way asking "why") Then I will get dressed (actually putting in effort), that's pretty much the slowest part of my day. Then when class is over at 1:50 I'm on the go! I accomplished to walk form the teaching theater to LBJ, ate lunch, came back to the library and started my homework all at 2:10!! Just a little reminder I have no other classes and the HHC meeting didn't start until 5:30! When I looked at the time I was just like "This really has to stop, its ridiculous!" I know that its good in some ways that I'm getting things done but sometimes its best just to STOP and the smell the roses...although I don't like the smell of flowers. But I think we get the point...
This all goes to say that although productivity is very important in college, don't get too caught up in it you'll miss out on those roses you don't particularly enjoy.

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